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Kilpatrick's campaigns

Communities' issues

Planning & policy

Kilpatrick Hills

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Clydebelt tries to be legal, decent, honest and truthful, and has made every effort to present fair opinions and accurate facts. Please email or write to us about any corrections.

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Contact Clydebelt

If you would like to find out more, click here to email Clydebelt (or move cursor over this text to see email address at bottom of this page)

or write to: The Secretary, Clydebelt,
c/o Rosebank, Glasgow Road, Hardgate, Clydebank G81 5QX. 01389 872 490

Join Clydebelt

Clydebelt is a non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit-making properly-constituted organisation, with a democratically elected committee. Membership is £1 (£2 for a single-address household) to support our campaigns and receive all our news. This single payment will last until our funds get too low. We usually take a collection at meetings to help pay for the room, so the funds are kept for any emergency that may arise.

(Founder members - who made a donation, bought a Clydebelt logo shirt, and helped in many other ways during the Kilpatrick Estates Campaign - currently have free membership.)

Many skills are needed - Can you help us ? Please let us know if you can help us with, eg

And if a new threat to the environment arises:

Sub-topics index: other pages about Clydebelt's organisation
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 back to Home page/About Clydebelt created 13/3/96, modified 04/07/2010 by Dutyhog.