Next events

Clydebelt holds most meetings on Tuesday evenings in the Trinity Church hall, Roman Road, Duntocher at 7.30 pm. If you would like to be informed of meetings or other activities click to email Clydebelt.

The Committee normally meets on the third Tuesday of alternate months unless there is business that cannot wait. All members (and others concerned) are welcome to come to these meetings and let the Committee know how they feel about issues, or share news and plan action.

Other activities

As needed, members attend other organisations' events, public inquiries, help local communities & campaigns, lobby Councillors, MSPs & MPs, question planning departments, object to undesirable planning applications and hope to take part in positive projects in the community for the environment.

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created 13/3/96, 11-09-15 by Dutyhog.


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Kilpatrick Hills

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Clydebelt tries to be legal, decent, honest and truthful, and has made every effort to present fair opinions and accurate facts. Please email or write to us about any corrections.

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